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tlug: Dec. 13 meeting give aways or lottery?

we have some hardware donated to TLUG from John Little.  
Applause, thanks, accolades.  I would like to propose that
this hardware be given away in the form of a lottery at the
December 13th meeting where each person pays 500 yen for a 
lottery ticket.  The money would be placed in the TLUG bank 
account.  We might have need for some money if for example 
we want to ship a machine
someplace or invite a speaker to the meeting and want to
buy the speaker lunch or something.  The 500 yen would be
donated in place of any donations to attend the 
December 13th meeting.  

What does everyone else think? 

If this is okay, I intend to fax this information to some
other groups in hopes of getting some new members. 

Also, are we on for the Nov. 13th meeting?

>From John Little "Mr. Santa"

   Here's how things stand at the moment. Things might change
   slightly, but probably to our advantage. :-)

	3 x SPARCstation IPC with 12MB memory, 207MB disk and
	    colour frame-buffer, loaded with Red Hat 4.2. (Note, no
	    keyboard, mouse or monitor available, but these units
	    are still fully functional network workstations and
	    can be used with vt100 terminals on the serial ports).

	2 x SPARCstation IPC. No memory, no disk, built-in 
	    monochrome frame-buffer 
	1 x Apple LaserWriter II (as is). I believe that this 
	    printer is fully functional, but it comes with a spare
	    motherboard, just in case. This is a PostScript printer
	    with a built-in SCSI, RS232 and Appletalk connectors.

	1 x Epson wide-carriage dot-matrix (impact) printer. Believed
	    to be in functional condition. Would be of interest to
	    anyone wanting to produce draft copy in Japanese.

	3 x Sun SpeakerBox. These external speakers are intended for 
	    use with SPARCstation 10 and Classic models (not IPCs).

	+   Various floppy drives, cables and attachments for Sun
	    machines (grab-bag odds'n'ends).

   Obviously, everything is (well) used. Nothing is guaranteed. :-)

"Knowledge is the air and light of civilization.  Transform it and you
transform all else."
Craig Oda	
   TWICS - IEC Building, 1-21 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160 JAPAN
Main Reception: 03-3351-5977	Fax: +81-3-3353-6096

TLUG Thursday evening meeting: Nov. 13, 18:40 at Tokyo station
Starbuck's coffee.  Then move to dinner place at 19:00
info: | TLUG Saturday meeting is Dec. 13, 1997
a word from the sponsor:
TWICS - Japan's First Public-Access Internet System  Tel:03-3351-5977  Fax:03-3353-6096

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