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Re: [tlug] GW projects

On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 10:43 AM Edward Middleton
<> wrote:
> On 4/5/20 2:55 am, Raymond Wan wrote:
> > I think a more interesting point is their effectiveness when the
> > supply is limited.  I presume some western countries aren't willing to
> > admit that there isn't enough.  Perhaps if they did that, both sides
> > of the argument can agree on something.  (i.e., masks are useful, but
> > there aren't enough because we weren't prepared)  As far as I know, I
> > don't think any country has admitted that?
> I think this is the real issue people were ignoring early on when many
> were recommending not wearing masks.  The problem is how to communicate
> that only people who are at high risk should be using the limited supply
> of high quality masks.  Unfortunately this turned into a stupid binary
> argument about whether masks were good or bad.

It is "funny" that no government seemed to have got this right.  Even
when elsewhere in the world, it was becoming a binary "good vs bad"
argument, no one thought, "Oh!  We can't let that happen.  We need to
explain this properly.".

I'm not sure if it's embarrassment from admitting there weren't enough
masks or they think the general population is not smart enough to
understand anything but a binary argument.

I think the USA holds a reservoir of oil as part of the Strategic
Petroleum Reserve?  Perhaps after this, every country will have a
Strategic PPE Reserve, in case this were to happen again.  I'd love to
see a photo of the Strategic Toilet Paper Reserve, if one is ever
created.  :-)


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