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Re: [tlug] Stymied by emacs character display

On 2/20/19 9:49 AM, Raymond Wan wrote:

I've seen at least two versions of the apostrophe in
Microsoft Word.  The first is the one we all know -- looks
like a small vertical line; the second is the one that you
saw which Microsoft Word "auto-corrects" to make -- looks
more like a small "9" and what we would put if we were
hand-writing an apostrophe.

I see this almost every time I copy and paste source code
from Microsoft Word.  Compilers and interpreters don't
accept it, but one needs to look really closely to see the

Anyway, good to hear that you solved your problem!


Are you talking about "smart quotes"?  I hate them with a passion.  MS Office has them turned on by default and there are at least two places you have to go in the configs to turn them off. Smart quotes are slanted inward from both the opening and closing quote.  I guess it is supposed to look nice.  But when Outlook automatically changes the straight quotes to smart quotes when you paste some code into an email, and the recipient copies that code block and wonders why they can't get it to work...  grrrr!  For the systems I have to use MS products on, not only do I turn them off, but I have set up an AutoHotKey script to detect and replace any smart quotes with straight (smarter) quotes from my clipboard contents in case my MS configs get reverted.

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