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Re: [tlug] Searching for a scientific paper

On 08/04/2017 12:15 AM, Attila Kinali wrote:
As someone else has already suggested, get to the National Diet Library
in Kasumigaseki
I would really like to do that, but unfortunately I am stuck in
Germany and nobody is paying for a trip to Japan to just get a
single paper from a library.
in the mid~late1970s, I took several Japanese historical politics and economics courses at Universitaets Freiburg* when my National Guard unit was temporarily stationed there. Their central library seemed to have copies of every Japanese-language book, tract, magazine, and research paper published since about 1870. If you re close to that city, or the Asian Collection at Universitaets Heidelberg, spend a day and just wander the stacks. The latter has books published on China and Japan going back to the 13th Century in nearly any European language that had a writing system.

(* Apologies for the lack of umlauts.)

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