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Re: [tlug] Um, so... systemd?

On 17 January 2017 at 09:28, dblomber <> wrote:
>  I know a number of people that turn off network manager on RHEL7 installs
> due to the number of problems it is causing in their environments.
> (First discovered after hours of why isn't this working, working sessions)

Just to concur with this, this morning I tried setting up a new Centos
7 version of a standby server. I copied over all the old ifcfg-
scripts, changed the names because young people today like to call
them things like "enp3s0:1" instead of "eth0:1" and tried rebooting
the box. When it came back up, the *live* server, which I hadn't
touched, stopped responding.

Apparently when the network manager sees a disabled IP alias with
"ONPARENT=no", it thinks, "that can't be very important, they probably
want to bring up that IP anyhow". So the standby server started
running with the IP of the live server, which in my case was

I fixed this by sprinkling "NM_CONTROLLED=no" liberally around the
interface definitions. To be on the safe side I guess I should disable
the network manager service entirely, and maybe get somebody in to do
an exorcism.

Edmund Edgar
Founder, Social Minds Inc (KK)
Twitter: @edmundedgar
Linked In: edmundedgar
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