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Re: [tlug] Representing a Space in a Path

I don't have VirtualBox so can't confirm if this would work with it or not but in general for spaces in file paths there are two solutions:

1- Quote the path: i.e. $ ls "file with path"
2- Escape the space: i.e. $ ls file\ with\ a\ space


On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 12:33 PM, CL <> wrote:
There is probably a simple answer to this, but I am not finding it in my
Unix User's Guide:

How do you represent a space in a pathname?


When I installed VirtualBox, it created a directory in /home/<username>
called "VirtualBox VMs" and located the *.vdi files and the guest setup
file directories beneath it.  The *.vdi files and guest directories also
have spaces in their names.  When I attempt:

> # cd /home/<username>/VirtualBox VMs/

-- or lower files or directories (such as WIN XP or WIN 7), Konsole replies:

> # No such file or directory /home/<username>/VirtualBox

I am committing this self abuse because I want to resize a dynamically
allocated virtual disk.  So, I decided to try to directly reach that
file and received the following output:

> #:~$ VBoxManage modifyhd --resize 185040 /home/<username>/VirtualBox
> VMs/WIN7x64.vdi
> Oracle VM VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 4.3.20
> (C) 2005-2014 Oracle Corporation
> All rights reserved.
> Usage:
> VBoxManage modifyhd         <uuid|filename>
>                             [--type
> normal|writethrough|immutable|shareable|
>                                     readonly|multiattach]
>                             [--autoreset on|off]
>                             [--property <name=[value]>]
>                             [--compact]
>                             [--resize <megabytes>|--resizebyte <bytes>]
> Syntax error: Invalid parameter 'VMs/WIN7x64.vdi'
Which means that modifyhd is attacking the address from the other side
of the space and also is not understanding my instruction.

What to I type in in place of the space(s) to complete the address so
that it is understood?

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