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Re: [tlug] To Set This World On FIRE...

On 09/21/2013 09:18 AM, Raymond Wan wrote:
On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 4:41 AM,  <> wrote:
Now top that.

" Linus Torvalds Admits He's Been Asked To Insert Backdoor Into
Linux... "

What the f*c* is going on in this world??? I mean, don't know what to

Anyway. If you care to comment, please do.
Honestly?  Well, you won't want to hear this, but of all the things
that are happening in the world (i.e., just open any newspaper), I
think the last thing that would make me question "What's going on in
this world?" is this story or anything that's been going on related to
the NSA, Snowden's leaks, etc.

Sure, I guess I'm just a bit naive, but I am sure that even the best
locks in the world (i.e., the one on banks, etc.) has a backdoor.
I don't see backdoors as being the problem per se.  The problem is the 
wholesale exploitation of backdoors by government actors for the purpose 
of collecting information on people without any reasonable cause.  Its 
not like data collection is a neutral act.  Anything that could be used 
by the government to protect us could be even more effectively used by 
someone with criminal intents.  Generously speaking, for the government 
maybe one in a thousand records hold value, for a criminal possible all.

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