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Re: [tlug] Buddhist v English Days of Week (was Re: Programmers meetups it Tokyo?)

I always just read "weekend" as being the two ends of the week; one on Sunday and the other on Saturday.

But, then, I'm from a backwards country that starts their week on Sunday.

On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 8:07 PM, Bruno Raoult <> wrote:
On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Attila Kinali <> wrote:
Debian's cal used to have an -m switch to indicate "start week on monday"
but somehow along the way, they "upgraded" to a different implementation
and that switch got lost.

How do you call Saturday & Sunday all together? It is somehow funny to have
the first day of the week in "week-end" :-)
When I setup an alarm on my iPhone from Monday to Friday, the name becomes
"weekdays". Therefore we have:
- Weekdays from Monday to Friday
- Week*end* for Saturday and Sunday
Sunday being the first and end of the week, in the same application... But of course,
language/tradition have history, and luckily we have it, even if logic is not there...



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