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Re: [tlug] Alternatives to sed + awk

On 3 March 2011 08:53, Raymond Wan <> wrote:

> Learning Python has been on my to-do list for so long now.
> But when you know another language that is similar,

I wouldn't call Perl or PHP *very* similar to Python, unless you were
talking about something else.

> [T]he use of indentation instead of parentheses is hard to get use to.

Surely you meant curly braces. ;) But Python *does* require parens on
every method call, which Perl does not.

I like Ruby's approach best, I must say. Whitespace doesn't matter,
you don't need parens in many places, and best of all, no semicolons
and curly braces cluttering up the code.

> Some Perl-fans also rave about CPAN modules.

CPAN modules are hit or miss--some are well worn-in and very reliable,
but others were written by a guy with two weeks of Perl experience and
no concept of references--but the CPAN system itself is fantastic.
Ruby Gems is an equally easy-to-use way to reuse code, and Python's
easy_install makes Python modules easy to come by these days. So call
that a draw.

How easy is it to grab PHP libraries?


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