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Re: [tlug] The wrong kanji

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 12:32 PM, Darren Cook <> wrote:
> I want Chinese support

On an Ubuntu system with both Chinese and Japanese fonts, the fonts
look fine under the respective locales.  The easiest way to see
Japanese "correctly" is to simply launch the session/application with
your locale set to "ja_JP.UTF-8".  If you would prefer to use an
English locale, some hacking is required in /etc/fonts.

> What does fontconfig-voodoo do by the way?

fontconfig-voodoo, part of Ubuntu's language-selector package, is a
simple utility that runs a font configuration hack to load different
font configurations depending on the (specified) locale.  The code is
implemented in Python, so it is easy to understand:


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