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Re: [tlug] How many widely can we do that?

On 10/25/2009 01:05 AM, Kenneth Burling wrote:
to be blunt and to the point... If you tell an interviewer at a
company in the states that you
don't want to use anything other than Linux, you have about an 80%
chance of making the
Human Resource Office's that much easier by reducing their stack of
resumes by one.
Really that seems unfortunate my favorite question when interviewing some one is;
What is your choice of desktop OS and why?

There is no right answer I am just looking at you to see what your passionate about. In a world where everyone else tells you how you should run things IE servers at work, service levels ect. I want to know what you would do, your way.
Also saying "I want to run Windows." is not the wrong answer either as 
long as you can back it up with a intelligent reason why.

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