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Re: [tlug] [OT] eBooks

On 2009-10-11 10:27 +0100 (Sun), Godwin Stewart wrote:

> Also, I think a 6" screen is a minimum requirement in order not to have
> something that's so small it does as much damage to your eyes as squinting
> at a monitor, unless you want 10 lines of text on-screen and you don't mind
> flipping pages every 3 seconds.

Err...catching up here, and since this is relevant to my previous post
suggesting the PRS-300:

As you probably already know, the e-ink displays are significantly
different from the LCD ones you're used to with computer monitors.
The number of dots per inch is significantly higher. The PRS-300's
screen size is larger than a mass-market paperback, and, given
my experience with the PRS-505 (summary: "Sweet!") I wouldn't be
suprised if it's just as nice to read. Now you might be one of those
that's going to dis' the mass market paperback, but I'll say, even these
days, in my 40s, I still read them on a regular basis.

> I also like the idea of there being no charger (the thing draws power
> off a USB port to charge its battery).

Yeah, it does, and then it takes several minutes to get through
reviewing the sad few hundred books I've got on the thing and update
its' silly XML files. I use my PSP charger on it, and I'm quite happy
with that.

Curt Sampson       <>        +81 90 7737 2974
           Functional programming in all senses of the word:

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