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Re: [tlug] Mac or EeePC?

Gen Kanai wrote:

You can always install Linux on your Mac via BootCamp and then it is not virtual.

I know. In fact I tried to do it one year ago or so but it pissed me off to deal with so many things to fix. Maybe know it's different. At that time I had to deal wit the keyboard (the mac keys) the Japanese support switched with the proper key, the one one button mouse (I'm used to three buttons) I remember the wireless didn't work and so forth. Then I'm a Slackware user and to use my favorite distro on a mac... Well I didn't have the time to do all that stuff. So the best solution at that moment was to install Vbox for the things I do with Linux and use MacOS for daily life.

After two years with this MacBook I'm planning to upgrade in a near future, but not Mac anymore. It's nice, it's pretty usable, it has very good applications, it's a Unix OS as well, but I miss many of the things I have on Linux. Maybe it's because I'm using it for more than 10 years. The fact is that I feel more and in fact I'm more productive with my old Slackware distro.

Anyway I think it's a matter of taste and convenience that can differ to everybody.

Many people tell me that mac hardware is great. In fact it is, and it is cheap but if I have to compare it with a Panasonic "Let's note", well... The price is totally worth to be paid. It has few competitors.


- Pietro Zuco
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