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Re: [tlug] Re: Somewhat OT- open source software for US voting machines

Ian Wells wrote:
> Re the whole spoiled ballot question, can someone please tell me how
> likely they think it is that a normal, "x" in the box paper ballot is
> spoiled *accidentally*? C'mon, you'd really have to try...  

Well you can only guess but from the articles I quoted the residual vote
seemed to range from about 2-0.4% for that sort of vote.  The worsted
seemed to be punch cards which registered up to 6% if I remember correctly.

> And
> surely electronic ballots take away your choice of exactly *how* you
> spoil your ballot. ;-)

3. Mick Mouse
4. dead president [make your selection]
5. other _________

How many choices do you need?


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