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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Large project Agile development
- Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 17:21:33 +0900
- From: Curt Sampson <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Large project Agile development
- References: <>
- User-agent: Mutt/1.5.17 (2007-11-01)
On 2008-08-19 14:49 +0900 (Tue), Edward Middleton wrote: > In some previous discussion, there was disagreement about whether agile > development could scale. This is an article about developing a large > system using scrum. > > Unfortunately, this is no way qualifies as a "large system" in the sense that I, and I believe Stephen, was using it in that article. In fact, it appears to have been smaller than the CCC project that birthed Extreme Programming and the whole agile movement. Let's look at the various figures. 100,000 lines of Java code is not small, but given the verbosity of Java, hardly counts as large. For comparision, Steve Yegge estimates that in his years at Amazon (I'm guessing around six or so) he alone wrote about 600,000 lines of Java code. 20 man-years is just under three years of work for a six-person team, which while it can produce a pretty respectable application, is very much an "agile" size. And you'll note that they started out with a seven-person team for the first six weeks. They did move up eventually to fifteen developers split into three groups. It's hard to say if this contributed to the communications issues or not, given their other major problems of geographically separated groups and a large number of developers who were unable to talk directly to the customer. (I'd suspect that those things account for a lot of those man-years--it makes me wonder if they really saved any money by outsourcing.) Along that line of thought, I'd estimate that Haskell runs about 5-20% the linecount of Java for equivalant functionality. (Some of it depends on how you count Java; as an example, I ignore all blank lines, comments, lines that are less than four characters when whitespace is trimmed, and duplicate lines almost anywhere in the source.) Of of my current largest projects, which has basically no onerous management requirements, is about 3000 lines of Haskell code for 4-5 months of effort by one person who's learning Haskell as he goes along. (Actually, some of that effort also went to some build and test framework stuff written in Ruby that I didn't count here). I would guess that a good pair of Haskell programmers could produce something like 500 lines of production code per month, and this would probably be denser than my code. Given that this is probably a 5000-10000 line project in Haskell, put four programmers on it for a year and you're done, if someone else takes care of all the distractions. Now the projects I think that Stephen had in mind, and that I certainly did when I talk about Agile vs. Large Projects, are ones that involve hundreds of developers and engineeers over a 3-5 year period. Airplane and spacecraft computerized control systems come to mind. That's a completely different realm from a 20-person project, even if the 20-person project does have a bunch of unnecessary or self-inflicted co-ordination problems to deal with. cjs -- Curt Sampson <> +81 90 7737 2974 Mobile sites and software consulting:
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Large project Agile development
- From: Edward Middleton
- Re: [tlug] Large project Agile development
- From: Hung Nguyen Vu
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- [tlug] Large project Agile development
- From: Edward Middleton
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