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Re: [tlug] Large project Agile development

Curt Sampson wrote:
On 2008-08-19 14:49 +0900 (Tue), Edward Middleton wrote:
In some previous discussion, there was disagreement about whether agile development could scale. This is an article about developing a large system using scrum.

Unfortunately, this is no way qualifies as a "large system" in the sense
that I, and I believe Stephen, was using it in that article.

Yes sorry, I notices this just after posting.

Now the projects I think that Stephen had in mind, and that I certainly
did when I talk about Agile vs. Large Projects, are ones that involve
hundreds of developers and engineeers over a 3-5 year period. Airplane
and spacecraft computerized control systems come to mind.

OK, have you got a better example of a 'large system', because this is exactly the sort of project you said[1].

   I'm not claiming anything about agile, particularly not that it ...

   .. would be all that useful on projects such as aircraft flight control systems.



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