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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Linux telnet client issue
- Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 23:23:09 -0400
- From: Scott Robbins <>
- Subject: [tlug] Linux telnet client issue
- User-agent: mutt-ng/devel-r804 (FreeBSD)
The New York Public library has telnet access to its catalog. It's For years I've been using the FreeBSD telnet client. Lately, due to the job change, I've been using Linux more often. Tonight, I went to telnet to it with the Linux telnet client. It logs in without a problem (username leo, no password) but then I can't navigate the menu. When you log in you see that it has the typical ctl ] as escape character. That works, I can get to a > command prompt. It also works with the Windows telnet client (Win2k). It doesn't work with Solaris. Those were the only the others that I tried tonight. I took a look at the respective termcaps, but they're a bit beyond my knowledge. I tried doing export TERM=vt100 and then logging in, but had the same result. By this time, I was a bit aggravated, and though I did environ list in Linux and BSD, nothing jumped out as being really different. I thought it might be the shell, as I use zsh on BSD and bash in Linux, but the environ command seems to just give my local environment--though I'm still not sure that's not a factor. Are there any obvious things I'm missing? If it's almost sure to be in termcap, then I'll probably concede defeat. Although maybe not--I'm sleepy and grouchy tonight, so my mood might change tomorrow. I'd be grateful for any clues. I'm hoping it'll be one of those things where as soon as I hit send, I'll google once more and find the answer, but I haven't gotten the right search terms for this one yet. :-( -- Scott Robbins PGP keyID EB3467D6 ( 1B48 077D 66F6 9DB0 FDC2 A409 FA54 EB34 67D6 ) gpg --keyserver --recv-keys EB3467D6 Xander: Isn't that what they called The Slayer? Willow: Buffy, ohh scary. Xander: Someone has to talk to her people. That name is striking fear in nobody's hearts.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Linux telnet client issue
- From: Curt Sampson
- Re: [tlug] Linux telnet client issue
- From: SL Baur
- Re: [tlug] Linux telnet client issue
- From: Shawn
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