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Re: [tlug] FWIW: Google Japan Interview Experience

I would say about half the interviewers were not bad, but the other half treated me like an annoyance. However, most of the US interviewers really don't understand the Japanese market or issues faced in Japan, which I think is a big problem when a lot of your value-add is helping them navigate the Japanese market, where although they are gaining ground, they are still massively trailing Yahoo.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Robbins" <>

Then another interview here in NYC, and THAT one was bad.  It was, he
said, an HR type who seemed pretty ignorant and seemed to give more of
the attitude that Jim encountered.

He wasn't accepted in the end, but he also said the only bad and
angering experience was the last interview.  (He's not a sour grapes
type, so I don't think that was an issue, though of course, I could be

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