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Re: [tlug] Travel

On 10/18/07, CL <> wrote:
> Jonathan Byrne wrote:
> > Anyway, there's a tokkyu train from Sasebo to Fukuoka, and then it's
> > not that long of a flight to Haneda, so don't think you're off the
> > hook for nomikai that easily ;)
> The tokkyu is quite nice.  I have taken it several times.  It is
> extremely easy to get to the Fukuoka Airport from Hakata, but you should
> also check out sleeper trains.  I found out about them when the dollar
> was in the toilet and payments were up to 20% under what I was used to.

Aren't the overnight buses the cheapest way to get from city to city
now?  I hate them (the seats are too narrow, so if you wind up next to
someone unpleasant, they are h**l), but that was definitely the
cheapest way to get to Nagoya when I visited the Expo there a couple
of years back, and I know a college student who takes overnight buses
up to Sendai regularly because it's the cheapest way.  Nagoya is
close, and Sendai is still closer than Kyushu, so maybe they don't
have them running that far from Tokyo?


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