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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] linux laptop hibernate question
- Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 11:35:16 -0700
- From: sjs <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] linux laptop hibernate question
- References: <> <> <> <> <>
- User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070604)
I just finished upgrading the system to Ubuntu 7.04. I selected that after reading the review in Linux Format. Among other things it seemed to work well on the Live Boot disk that came with the magazine and the review was very good.
Install wasn't the easiest I've done mostly because I was upgrading a system. I had to do some repartitioning and haven't used parted before. I was concerned about losing Grub's config files and that is exactly what happened. Things were interesting until I discovered the same magazine DVD also had a Mandrake install that had a MBR repair tool as part of its rescue boot. Sheer luck... Anyway after that, all went well and the install went smoothly. The install remindes me in some ways of an XP install in that you download patches for several hours after the install is completed.
Hibernate and suspend both work as nicely now as they did under Windows.
I also installed on a Gateway I bought recently as a potential desk-top replacement. Physically it'e much bigger and heaver than the think pad (15.4 wide display, 8 lbs vs. 12.2 regular display, under 3 pounds).
That install was also interesting -- again around grub. The first time for some reason grub didn't get installed, so the system wouldn't boot to Linux. I tried fixing it from the install disk and finally just re-installed and everything went fine. I was concerned on this machine because I had read of difficulties with linux both for sound and for wireless support. I finally decided I could live without both for a while if necessary. Well -- the sound seems to work on a quick check, and for some reason there were error messages about one driver not installing correctly -- the wireless driver I need -- of course. At least it's there and looks like it will work once I get everything in place. More later on that one if anyone is interested.
I still need to get SCIM working. I've installed everything and done the configuration I think is needed. So far, shift/space isn't bring up the IME. I don't know if there is anything else I need to do there and at the moment am out of time.
The fonts on XP looked better than on Linux under Gnome. I don't know if there is something I have to add or not. It is at least very usable.
Anyway, to summarize -- install went more smoothly than expected on both machines and I'm really pleased with the results.
Another Linux success story.
Steve S.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] linux laptop hibernate question
- From: Lyle H Saxon
- Re: [tlug] linux laptop hibernate question
- From: Lyle H Saxon
- References:
- [tlug] linux laptop hibernate question
- From: steven smith
- Re: [tlug] linux laptop hibernate question
- From: dave
- Re: [tlug] linux laptop hibernate question
- From: steven smith
- Re: [tlug] linux laptop hibernate question
- From: Keith Bawden
- Re: [tlug] linux laptop hibernate question
- From: Josh Glover
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