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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Re: Quoting for Thread Breaking Digest Replies
- Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:07:35 +0900
- From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" <>
- Subject: [tlug] Re: Quoting for Thread Breaking Digest Replies
- References: <> <>
Jim writes: > Ken wrote: > > > On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 13:33:29 -0400, > > Jim <> wrote > > in <>: > > Thanks. Your attribution is great! > > > > In my own replies to thread breaking digest replies, I wish I had > > > restored the thread by adding the appropriate message IDs to the > > > "References:" header line. > > > > Unfortunately I am using an email client that is officially evil, > > and am not in a position to change it for a while still. If there > > is a "References:" line, it is not one I can get too. > > Your email program is _not_ to blame in this situation. Well, that depends on whether he's getting MIME digests or not. If he's getting MIME digests and has even a halfway MUA, it will explode that into a folder containing ordinary messages, and the relevant headers will be present in that case. It's only RFC 934/1153 digests that typically lose them. Now, I went and did some forensics on Ken's message. Ken, this is not your fault, but Donald Knuth on a bicycle, what is this!!!?!? 信じら れファキンない! > Thread-Topic: Quoting for Thread Breaking Digest Replies . . . . . . . . . . (Re: [tlug] Re: font encoding question) > Thread-Index: Ace2FFf4v9udiyPsRsmcXtwmQ/KYYwAD2gDg It's an interesting idea (except that I don't see how it can be properly implemented without user intervention of a kind I would not expect a Microsoft product to permit), but *not* in the absence of both References and In-Reply-To. > I'm not aware of any email program that makes that easy. > _Manually_ adding messages IDs to the "References:" lines is hard, In an Emacs-based MUA it is easy but tedious, ie, eminently automatable. However, it's generally preferable, as Jim says, to use the In-Reply-To header, so that you're not responsible for maintaining the historical order of the references. Of course, that's assuming you have write access to either one. > > How was this for a proper reply, given my circumstances? ^_^ > > Great! Thanks! +1
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