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[tlug] Re: Quoting for Thread Breaking Digest Replies

Ken wrote:

>  On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 13:33:29 -0400, 
>  Jim <> wrote 
>  in <>:

Thanks. Your attribution is great! 

> > In my own replies to thread breaking digest replies, I wish I had 
> > restored the thread by adding the appropriate message IDs to the 
> > "References:" header line.
> Unfortunately I am using an email client that is officially evil,
> and am not in a position to change it for a while still. If there
> is a "References:" line, it is not one I can get too.

Your email program is _not_ to blame in this situation. 
I'm not aware of any email program that makes that easy. 
_Manually_ adding messages IDs to the "References:" lines is hard, 
so although it would be nice if you could restore the missing 
message IDs into the "References:" line, I don't expect you to do so. 
Broken threads are pretty much a fait accompli of replying to digests. 
You've done as much as is reasonable for replying to a digest. 


> How was this for a proper reply, given my circumstances? ^_^

Great! Thanks! 


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