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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Re: I'd like to help TLUG, but...
- Date: Fri, 04 May 2007 09:31:05 +0900
- From: "Jonathan Q" <>
- Subject: [tlug] Re: I'd like to help TLUG, but...
Someone nostalgically told me that it's been too long since they've seen a good flame around here, so if someone will kindly pass the napalm pack... On 5/3/2007, "Shannon Jacobs" <> wrote: > and/or simply hostile. We're only hostile to assholes. Gee, what a coincidence... >recommending a Mac in there, which I take as downright offensive... Apparently he thinks that meant we believe he's stupid. OK, we do believe he's stupid. Busted Mac users on average, however, are no more computer-stupid than your average Windows user and most of them are better. Since he finds the idea of being told to use a Mac offensive, he may in fact be an average Windows user. No *nix person would find that offensive, unless on moral grounds a la RMS. In fact, many of us have Macs, in addition to Linux or *BSD systems. Could even be a Vista fanboy. Who else would be offended by being told to try a Mac. Wait. Ballmer that's not you, is it? Somebody check for flying chairs. >Ubuntu, since Ubuntu is moving to a closed-box philosophy... Perhaps >DOS or CP/M would be the best first OS? Somewhere, a village is missing its idiot. >is that TLUG doesn't seem to be worth much more of my time Then STFU already and get back to your padded cell where you belong. >regard the first post on this Subject: as parting remarks, and my plan >is to unsubscribe as soon as would be polite. You've already stayed far longer than would be polite. Not that you really seem to care about politeness. All you've ever done here is tell us how much you think we suck. Get out, already. You're about as welcome as a dog crap on a Shinjuku sidewalk at rush hour. >and as regards socializing, I also have alternatives. Those poor kosupure girls... >However, from my perspective, I think much of the 'problem' is simply >that I do write so clearly and even forcefully. Your problem is not with how you say it, but what you say. It's an utter load of shite and we don't suffer fools gladly. >tossed a number of thoughts into this mailing list, and most of the >reactions have not seemed playful. Well, duh. That concept that you could expect a playful reaction to your spew boggles the mind. Do you walk up to people and punch them, thinking they will respond playfully instead of kicking your arse? Actually, maybe you do. It would fit. >joke is that I make a good living by my ability to help *OTHER* people >write clearly in English That's a joke, to be sure, but not the one you think. For a chuckle or two: My favorite part is point 3 in Seti Thoughts, regarding asking for feedback: "I already offered a number of thoughtful and useful suggestions, and they were NOT gratefully received." I'm shocked. SHOCKED. Shannon, here's a good suggestion for your Tripod page: maintain a list of all the organizations that you have pissed off/been thrown out of/become persona non grata with, TLUG being the latest of those (unless you troll in parallel, anyway). Don't forget to write that part clearly and forcefully now, y'hear? Don't let the screen door slam you in the ass on your way out.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Re: I'd like to help TLUG, but...
- From: Erin D. Hughes
- Re: [tlug] Re: I'd like to help TLUG, but...
- From: Josh Glover
- [tlug] Put a period to "I'd like to help TLUG, but...", please
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- References:
- [tlug] Re: I'd like to help TLUG, but...
- From: Shannon Jacobs
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