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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] I'd like to help TLUG, but...
- Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 07:31:54 +0900
- From: "Shannon Jacobs" <>
- Subject: [tlug] I'd like to help TLUG, but...
Not to imply that TLUG needs any help, but "help" in the sense of making some constructive contribution to the group and to the wider adoption of Linux (and perhaps even some destructive contribution to Microsoft's attacks on personal freedom). TLUG actually seems to be doing well enough in its own cute little way. I don't see any special problems existing now that can only be addressed by my unique contributions. Speculations about possible improvements also seem pointless. The spokesmen of TLUG seem satisfied enough with how things are.
Conversely, I even think I was willing to seek help from TLUG in addressing my Linux-related problems. However, I just don't feel like there's been enough help received to justify the (to me) somewhat long trips to Tokyo. As concrete examples, in the last few weeks I've been wrestling with upgrade and swap partition issues, and I have mostly overcome them without any assistance from TLUG. Ergo, I seem to be doing well enough vis-à-vis Linux in my own little way. However, it is my essential nature to continue seeking more understanding...
I think if this were some sort of divorce proceedings, perhaps it would be filed under 'uncontested for reasons of mutual incompatibility'. TLUG will continue to do its little things, whatever they are, and I'll do mine.
Does it matter? I am certainly *NOT* claiming to be some sort of spokesman for the big wide world beyond TLUG. I write solely on my own behalf (and in particular I cannot speak as a representative of my employer's views of Linux (though I do have quite a bit of contact with some of our own Linux people)). However, I do feel like I'm pretty firmly rooted in reality. Computers are a significant part of my reality, but I don't allow them to dominate it. My computers are simply tools, and my objective is to use my tools for various real-world objectives. I want to use them as effectively as possible and with minimal overhead. I think some of the Ubuntu Linux developers understand and share that philosophy, but the Linux User Groups with which I am familiar mostly do not.
Another disclaimer? Nor do I feel that everyone (or anyone) should adopt any of my perspectives. However, that doesn't mean that I view all perspectives as equally valid. In particular, I am troubled by unresolved contradictions that attempt to 'live together'. For example, there are some perspectives in TLUG in favor of encouraging wider adoption of Linux, and others that dismiss proselytizing as some sort of business proposition. Fedora Core. 'Nuff said, and it seems to be pointless to continue that discussion...
I always felt that one of the most preposterous criticisms of Linux was that "Linux doesn't scale for large real-world problems", but at this point I do believe that "Linux user groups don't scale to the real world." Me? I'm still interested in the real world über alles.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] I'd like to help TLUG, but...
- From: Josh Glover
- Re: [tlug] I'd like to help TLUG, but...
- From: Jonathan Byrne
- Re: [tlug] I'd like to help TLUG, but...
- From: Pietro Zuco
- Re: [tlug] I'd like to help TLUG, but...
- From: Erin D. Hughes
- Re: [tlug] I'd like to help TLUG, but...
- From: Jedidiah Israel
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