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Re: [tlug] how filesystem works?

Godwin writes:

 > > Do people still run Linux systems with just a huge root partition?

More than ever, I'm afraid.

Al Hoang writes:

 >     Yes, because some of us have other things to do besides
 > partition-oops-i-screwed-up-the-sizes-again games unless there's
 > really a good reason (ex. I know everything about the system I'm trying
 > to build) to on top of which moving around 20GB files and 

Of course if you've got a bunch of 20GB files, you'll need a 500GB
volume (which most likely should not be a single disk, let alone a
single partition, anyway, unless all you're saving there is The
Simpsons reruns in glorious living NTSC color).  But we're talking
about parts of the system (/boot, /var/log) that either have
predictable usage rates (/boot) or need to be quarantined (/var/log).

It's just not a big deal to carve out a 100MB /boot, 10GB /var/log,
and maybe a couple of others for special uses.

 > having to count bytes just to fit it on filesystem X is annoying.
 >     And 120GB large?  Not by today's standards...

No, according to yesterday's BIOSes.

 > $ df -kh
 > /dev/hda1             4.6G  3.0G  1.4G  69% /
 > /dev/mapper/vg-myth   577G  511G   61G  90% /myth

Heh.  That looks like maybe it *is* The Simpsons!<wink>

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