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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]RE : [tlug] anyone played with Phidgets usb servo drivers and linux?
- Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 17:57:56 +0100 (CET)
- From: leon calvaud <>
- Subject: RE : [tlug] anyone played with Phidgets usb servo drivers and linux?
scott <> a écrit :AnyoneHi Scott,
else in TLUG using linux to do something like this?
Geek out,
Scott VanDusen
for a couple of year ago, a friend of me passionated in aeromodelism wanted to build a machine that automated contruction of plane pieces.
His machine were based on stepper motor reused from old printers.
For command them, he used a pc interface board+ stepper motor card.
link for specification of pc interface board:
link for stepper motor card:
As he had already a software made for this, i thought he could interact with it to the cards, but he couldn't. At this time, he and i didn't have much time, and he were not experimented in programming and electronics, so after much months, he gave up.
I found some pages for this using linux, but i didn't tried by myself soing something (not having the cards)
For a year i tried another card: the K8055 card
link for the card:
I tried it especially for experiment easily the PWM function (i'm in electrical domain) via usb. But i didn't try it via linux, because less of time (i still were learning for school), but i think this will be an interesting step for me when i'll come home; and of course, i plan to use the card for "kind of an API" (industrial programmable automat) for some of my (future) projects.
Anyway, i think that when i'll come home, i'll really can good work about electronics (unlike here in Japan where i don't have tools/docs/material i have at home)
On the bottom of the webpages linked, you'll can find links for softwares/linux drivers/things for the product. Maybe can these be helpful for you.
About your servo motors linked by usb, i think they should give some driver more, or some piece of software that make it works with a pc.
But maybe if you know more about it, like witch chips are used, how this chips work, and how you can access to it, i think you could make it work.
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