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Re: [tlug] CJK Printing from Web Browsers in Debian 3.3.2

Josh Glover writes:

 > I could same the same thing about Firefox. Anybody with any hackish
 > blood can do anything he wants with Firefox in a short period of time,
 > either by writing his own extension, or getting into Greasemonkey.[1]

But suppose I don't want to "get into it", rather I want the executive
course?  Which button on the Firefox browser takes me to the internals
docs?  In XEmacs, C-h i d m internals RET.  (This doesn't work in
GNU-b-macs---there's no internals manual, I'm not sure why.)

Not to mention that C-h k works on everything, including mouse clicks.
(They are often unuseful, eg, everything in the buffer goes through a
single handler.  But if you do that on a toolbar button or menu item
it will tell you what callback is used.)

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