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Re: [tlug] More SCIM: European lang input?

>>>>> "Birkir" == Birkir A Barkarson <> writes:

    Birkir> If someone knows another way, I'd love to hear that too.

If you want your keyboard to generate the Extended Latin characters
directly, you're going to need to switch the keyboard to a layout that
supports them.  Japanese layouts are not going to do that---they're
going to be designed for generating kana---and I don't see why you
would expect them to do so.

Conceptually, you should be able to tell XKBD that you have a Japanese
set of keycodes, and that you want the Level 3 keysyms generated to be
drawn from the Latin set just by including a couple of files in a
keyboard definition.  The reason you can't do that is that nobody has
bothered to factor the kana out of the Japanese keysym definition
file.  If you've done something that, why don't you just submit it to

School of Systems and Information Engineering
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