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Re: [tlug] real content as opposed to half-baked tutorials

Ian Wells wrote:
> On 01/03/06, Jim <> wrote:
>> Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>>> I have to wonder, isn't there any way to sell real content as opposed
>>> to half-baked tutorials?
> For a reason why even ora has a problem with the selling content
> model, Google for 'ua oreilly bookshelf'.
I think the unpublished book model used in [1]rough cuts or [2]The
Pragmatic Programmer is the way to go. It gives the company some lockin
(i.e. updates) and allows readers to give feedback on what needs work.
> Fortunately for ORA, some of us have morals.  Personally, I prefer
> paper books anyway...
I generally prefer paper books but it is the content that is most
important to me, and having instant access to books that might take a
month or more and considerable expense to ship sometimes just isn't
worth it.



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