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Re: [tlug] Linspire as a senior citizen's first computer... whatdo you think?

Micheal E Cooper wrote:

>As for using what I use, that is a problem. I am kind of auditioning
>distros at the moment. I just did my first LFS a few weeks ago and loved
>the process but not the result. I use rhel at work and FC4 at home, and
>incidentally, I don't think either is appropriate for Dad. He is broke,
>and RHEL costs money. FC4 is too edgy. I spend way to much time with
>freezing apps and quirks. I would switch, but I use RH at work.
Hi Micheal. If you use rhel and FC4, why not go for CentOS? You would 
feel comfortable in the environment, if your Dad were to have any 
problems. Just my 10yen worth. Cheers.

Mark Sargent.

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