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Re: [tlug] zaurus: wi-fi and keyboard

Alain Hoang wrote:

>     Just curious about keyboards.  The Zaurus (at least the
> 760 so I assume it applies to the 7xx line and perhaps the newer models)
> USB port or 'excuse' for one as I like to call it is not powered.  On  
> top
> of which it seems that the USB port cannot act as a host USB controller
> (trying to remember this off the top of my head, apologies if this is
> inaccurate)  so you can't just plug in any USB keyboard and just
> expect it to work.   I had tried using a female-female adapter with the
> USB dongle on the Zaurus to see if I could use a normal USB keyboard
> but didn't have success with that.  Perhaps there is a way but the
> way I tried wasn't successful.
> Alain

Only the latest models (C1000, C3000 and C3100) come with usb host 
support. The C760 and C860 don't however as you have discovered, and the 
newer ones do only is you have a mini-A to A adapter.

I got the iRiver usb host cable for 500 yen from the local iRiver shop 
and have been able to plug just about everything into my C1000 (although 
the usb floppy drive for a mac didn't actually allow me to read floppies)


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