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Re: [tlug] Paper Handling in Printers

>>>>> "Jim" == Jim  <> writes:

    Jim>    dirt/grime:

    Jim>       clean the rubber parts (especially in smoggy cities)

    Jim>    humidity:

    Jim>       put the printer and paper in a low-humidity environment
    Jim> Paper behaves considerably differently when humid.

I gather you don't live in Japan.  ;-)

Your advice is good, but one simply has to accept that (outside of the
main offices of the really well-heeled corporations and under 1500m
altitude) Japan (at least Kanto; my Kansai-born relatives complain a
lot about Kanto) is dirty and humid.  My department spends a huge
amount of money on maintenance; all the highspeed printers and copiers
go down every other month for scheduled cleaning/maintenance, and
often need extra maintenance or repairs.

Once again, your advice is good---works for me, anyway.  I've gotten
lazy, though.  I just use monitor glass wipes on everything.  So far
it hasn't dissolved any of the rubber parts.  :-)

I would add that Japan residents should watch the humidity index, and
also that the high levels of dust and ash at this time of year seem to
be contributory to bearing problems and even short-circuits.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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