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Re: [tlug] Japanese page has been revised

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On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 08:06:30PM -0600, Matt Gushee wrote:
> Scott Robbins wrote:
> >>>detailed procedures will come in handy.
> >Have you been following the mailing list discussions between Damir, a
> >few others and myself?  
> Nope, missed that. Which list was it on? I'm on the TUR list, since for a while 
> I was very gung-ho about creating Arch packages, but I hadn't really noticed 
> other Arch mailing lists. I've gotten the impression that the forums were the 
> main vehicle for communication among Archers.

They probably are.   However, this particular thing was on the mailing
list, it basically comes down to Damir has filed a bug, but the problem
is that it isn't consistent--I don't know if he can reproduce the error
or not, though I'm not the only one who has the problem.

> since these days a lot of Linux software Just Works [tm]. But, as most of us 
> have experienced, Japanese input often doesn't J.W., so end users often need a 
> bit more knowledge to set it up.

Heh, well if Stephen doesn't know, I just shrug and give up.   (Sorry
Stephen, I realize you have better things to do.)
> >I'm an end user, so I'm not the one.  :)
> I don't know about that. The developers of a system often have trouble 
> understanding what end users need to know about it, whereas users who do the 
> right research can often write very good documentation. If I were a little less 
> busy trying to scratch out a meager living, I might consider doing it, but in 
> any case it would take many hours to bring my knowledge  up to date.

Agreed.  The developer, and even the more experienced, take things for
granted that someone else needs to know, as manifested by my dialog with
David about RH.  I'm more experienced than he, and took some things for
granted, that shouldn't be, especially when trying to write a page to
make things simpler for the newcomer. 

> >Anyway, as far as Arch, I would say setting the entire thing up took me
> >about 10 minutes if that.  If the pacman versions work for you, it takes
> >even less.
> Thanks. You've prodded me into trying it, though it wasn't quite that easy for 
> me (more on that in another post).

I'd be very interested in that, because if you had problems I didn't, it
might be worth adding to the page.  

As you said, Japanese (and I assume the CK of CJK) is often complex.  As
I posted earlier, I can get scim and anthy working in everything but
Vector Linux--asked a programming friend who uses Slackware if he had
any idea what programs aren't there in Vector that I put in Slack and
ZenWalk (nee Minislack) and he wrote back, "I can't be much help--I get
the little squares with dots, rather than kana in Slackware."

As a last reasort in Arch, that vanilla kinput-canna package works.
Someone had made, awhile back, a canna and im-ja package, but Sarah
removed it because he'd not followed some guideline or another.  :)

- -- 

Scott Robbins

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