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Re: [tlug] Electronic dictionary/'tango-cho'

Edward Wright wrote:

> I think the Zaurus option is definitely worth lookin at.

Frm all the great info people have posted I'm definitely going to look
into it!

> On the dedicated dictionary front:
> The Canon Wordtank has storage of up to 1000 words in 4 tango-chos. And
> does include a test function. I have an IDF-4100. The newer models have
> some more nifty functions like kanji stroke order and compound lookup.
> (Returns a list of compounds containing a given kanji.)

Which model do you have? I have the IDF-4000 and the 4 tango-cho's are
limited to 100 words each. And it does have the kanji compound lookup
function but only for compounds that start with a given kanji, and only
for that kanji when the reading is the on yomi.

But even if a newer Wordtank had bigger tango-cho's the Zaurus really
sounds like fun. I didn't know that the menus/etc where changeable
depending on a LANG var. I should know better than to askk a Bic Camera
salesman about OS's and language ...


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