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Re: [tlug] mozilla

>>>>> "Scott" == Scott Robbins <> writes:

    Scott> 3. For folks like Stephen who love GUI interfaces

Following you so far ...

    Scott> (heh, I probably just got plonked by him again)

*plonk* はジョウダンじゃねぇぜ。  *plink*[1]

    Scott> 4. The one time I tried LPRng it didn't work out of the
    Scott> box--as you know, I hate setting up printers, so didn't
    Scott> feel like reading when CUPS was already doing what I wanted

The main advantage to LPRng, AFAICT, is that it sucked up all my
printer configurations without a hiccup, but lacks many of lpr's bad

[1]  For those of you who don't know what *plink* is, it's "the sound
of a clueless git bouncing off the wall of his glass house".[2]

[2]  For those of you who don't recognize the quote, none of it
actually applies to Scott or his post.  It's all giseigo.[3]

[3]  What's the Greek for that, again?[4]

[4]  For those of you who don't believe in chaining footnotes, here's
another.  ;-)[5]

[5]  It's Monday, OK?

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