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Re: [tlug] mozilla

On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 22:36:08 -0400, Scott Robbins <> 

> On Tue, Jul 27, 2004 at 11:10:57AM +0900, Brett Robson wrote:
> Out of full featured browsers, I'm still finding opera to be the
> fastest, even when compared to stand-alone browsers such as firebird.
> Dillo of course is the quickest, (of the gui ones that I've tried)
> however, it seems that so few web pages follow standards that it is
> frequently unable to disply a page.

I like Opera for some nice features (i.e. remembering the web pages used 
before a crash (which happens from time to time)) and also use it for 
emails. But I found it to be or feel slower then mozilla (v.1.4.2). And I 
could never figure out how to print. Checking the FAQ (some time ago) there 
was something about 'CUPS not supproted' -- maybe this has changed. But 
even printing into a ps-file did not work or gave ugly results (formatting 
problems: right side gets cut off). I could not find a 'print this frame' 
option either. At the moment it seems to print one frame per sheet. Maybe I 
gave up to early, I just got frustrated playing around with options and 
spending quite some time without success. Now I still use opera for linux 
(v7.11 - should check for newer versions, I guess) but keep mozilla 
running, if I want to print something. Not very elegant but a working 
solution for somebody who has not much time to play around with it anymore.


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