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[tlug] Misc. edit questions

Hi all

I've been using Linux/KDE for some time and now am
trying to learn Japanese.  I'm starting finally to
make some headway thanks to TLUG.  This came through
yesterday on a thread about input.
> Please read Scott's page on Japanese input:
I finally got kinput2 working for vi, kterm, openoffice,
and that is a major breakthrough.

Now for the next step -- I have a file I know has Japanese
text 'cause I can cat it in kterm and see the Japanese.

File on the file yields: message.eml: news text

How do I get openoffice or vi to recognize this as
a character set other than 8-bit ascii?  In openoffice
I tried selectall, format-char to Mincho to no avail, and
don't even know where to start with vi.

A file I create with vi is correctly recognized as ISO-8859
text.  I just started on _JYKV_Information_Processing_ by
Ken Lunde and he has scripts for this kind of thing, but
since kterm/xterm now render the text correctly -- I'm
obviously missing something.

Steve Smith
Petaluma, CA, USA

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