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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] OpenSSL and IDEA encryption algorithm
- Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 12:56:56 +0200
- From: Godwin Stewart <>
- Subject: [tlug] OpenSSL and IDEA encryption algorithm
- Organization: Nope, none here, it's a mess ;o)
A certain Richard Straub from MediaCrypt wrote me a very civil mail this morning informing me that the information on my LAMPS howto page regarding the patent issues surrounding the IDEA encryption algorithm (patent of which MediaCrypt is the holder) was incorrect. The patent on the IDEA algorithms is not only in effect in the EU, but also in the USA and Japan. The text in the howto has been updated accordingly. If anyone here has used this howto in order to set up a server used commercially, please bear in mind that doing so in the EU, the USA or Japan *and* using the OpenSSL implementation of MediaCrypt's IDEA algorithms, but without obtaining a license from MediaCrypt, is a violation of MediaCrypt's patent. Whether or not one agrees with the concept of software patents is another matter altogether. Personally, I don't. However, they exist whether we like it or not. Thanks for your time. -- G. Stewart -- -- Registered Linux user #284683 (Slackware 9.0, Linux 2.6.7-em8300) -------------------------------------------------------------- Stupidity is NOT a handicap. Park elsewhere!Attachment: pgp00016.pgp
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