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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] [ANN] 7/10 TLUG Technical Meeting
- Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2004 20:13:52 +0900
- From: "Zev Blut" <>
- Subject: [tlug] [ANN] 7/10 TLUG Technical Meeting
- Organization: Ubiquitous Business Technology, Inc.
- User-agent: Opera M2/7.51 (Linux, build 689)
-=-=-=-=- Announcement: 7/10 TLUG Technical Meeting -=-=-=-=- Meeting information Date: July 10 (Saturday) Time: 14:00 - 16:30 (doors open 13:30) Place: Horizon Digital Enterprise meeting room 16-2 Kamiyama-cho, Bit Cube 3F Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (map at Topics: 1. "Gnomemeeting" by Shin Michimuko 2. "Asterisk and VoIP" by Benjamin Kowarsch The theme for July's meeting is video and voice communication with Open Source tools. Otherwise, known as, you no longer have an excuse not to call home. Shin Michimuko will give a brief introduction to GnomeMeeting. He will demonstration communication between GnomeMeeting and NetMeeting. Plus, How to use OpenMCU and multipoint communication using OpenMCU. Benjamin Kowarsch, will give the second presentation about Voice over IP with Asterisk. With potential hands on demonstrations. Other items on the agenda are: 1. Introduction of new members, news about Linux/Open Source, general announcements, Q&A 2. Auction All Linux users and supporters of open source code and free software are invited to attend this Tokyo Linux Users Group (TLUG) meeting. Membership is open to anyone. There are no membership dues or entrance fees. After the meeting, we will continue chatting over a few beers. This month, TLUG will hold its meetings at BitCube, on the 3rd floor. Our meeting space sponsor, HDE (Horizon Digital Enterprise, Inc) develops and provides software related to Linux. HDE's office is about a 15 minute walk from Shibuya station. From the Hachiko crossing in Shibuya, walk the "Bunkamura Street" toward the "Tokyu Department Store" (the main store, NOT the store on top of the station building). After walking 3-5 min, you will see the bookstore "Book 1st" on your right. Continue walking past the Tokyu/Bunkamura building complex until you see a Lawson convenience store. The Bit Cube building is near it, opposite to the "Arimax Hotel". Once there call Masato at 090-2002-1410 and he will go open the door. A picture of the building can be found at About TLUG ---------- TLUG is a non-profit, non-political organization established in June of 1994 to exchange information on the use of Linux and Free Software Foundation tools. TLUG has an active mailing list, home page, and building can be found at About TLUG ---------- TLUG is a non-profit, non-political organization established in June of 1994 to exchange information on the use of Linux and Free Software Foundation tools. TLUG has an active mailing list, home page, and regular physical meetings. Discussions are primarily held in English, but non-English speakers are encouraged to come and participate. We especially want to encourage Japanese people to attend and will make efforts to support a bilingual meeting. TLUG hosts technical meetings every odd month on the 2nd Saturday, and nomikai's every even month on the 3rd Friday. The TLUG home page is available at For any instructions or info before the meeting: Zev Blut ............... 090-5788-8067 Alberto Tomita ............... 070-5644-3680 ---- Japanese Translation ---- 下記の通り、定例ミーティングを開催します。 日時:7月10日(土) 14:00~16:30 (13:30 開場) 場所:HDE ミーティングルーム 東京都渋谷区神山町16-2 Bit Cube 3F ( 地図参照) テーマ: 1. "Gnomemeeting", Shin Michimuko 2. "Asterisk and VoIP", Benjamin Kowarsch 終了後:近辺の居酒屋で宴会予定 Linux を利用している、Linux に興味がある、などなど、参加する理由 に関係なく、TLUG はすべての人に門扉を開いています。楽しく、カジュアル に Linux (および他のトピック)に関する話をし、Linux コミュニティの 交流を広げる是非とも参加を歓迎します。もちろん、Linux ユーザである 必要はありません。 今月のテーマは「通信・テレコン・オープンソース」です。オープンソース ソフトウェアを用いてPC上でビデオ会議の開催やVoIPが可能にするPCと電話 の融合など、さまざまなツールの紹介及びデモを予定しています: Gnomemeeting Gnomemeetingと某社のNetmeetingとの互換性 OpenCMU オープンソース電話交換機とも呼ばれる「Asterisk」 TLUG(Tokyo Linux Users Group)は東京を本拠に年に結成された日本で 最初の地域LUGです。初期メンバーが外国人だった、という歴史的な理由で メーリングリストの議論がいまも英語で行われていて、Gaijin LUG と言わ れることもありますが、実際のメンバーは日本人と外国人が半々くらいの 日本一、国際色が豊かな LUG です。詳しくは TLUG のウェブページ をご参照ください。 当日、道がわからなかったり、質問がある場合は下記の電話番号までどうぞ。 Zev Blut ............... 090-5788-8067 Alberto Tomita ............... 070-5644-3680 それでは、ご参加をお待ちしています。
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