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Re: [tlug] giving up on email

On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 01:13:40 +0200, David Santinoli <> wrote:

> > Has SPEWS, Spamhaus SBL, et al ever driven a spam-friendly provider
> > out of business, or even forced them to clean up their act, to the
> > best of anyone's knowledge?
> To my knowledge, yes.  Godwin suggested Verio.  I'd add Telefonica
> (Spain).


One of the largest sources of spam outside China, Korea, Latin America and
Italy is *

Yes, the "tde" in "" stands for Telefonica de Espa�a...

Oh, and regarding your claim that the other Italian ISP's I mentioned
deserve leniency, you might be right about yours,, because it's
true I haven't seen much from them for a long time.

Tiscali (spit, blech, I need a mouthwash, or is that a fingerwash for
e-mail?), OTOH, has to be run by the mob. I can't see how else they can get
away with ignoring complaints in such a blatent manner without being
state-run. And it's not just either, it's tiscali in any country.
In fact, if I had a way of teling sendmail to reject anything from
*.tiscali.* short of enumerating all the cc domains where these sleazeballs
operate I'd do it. There are TV advertisements for broadband
every day and I really have to make an effort not to pick up something heavy
and throw it at the TV set when I see them because it took them OVER A MONTH
to send me an auto-ack in response to complaints about a serial 419'er on
their network.

G. Stewart   -- --
Registered Linux user #284683 (Slackware 9.0, Linux 2.4.25)
Doctors can be frustrating. You wait six weeks for an
appointment and he says, "I wish you'd come to me sooner."

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