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- Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 17:29:41 +0200
- From: Martin Bähr <>
- Subject: [tlug] giving up on email
- User-agent: Mutt/1.4i
hi, spam is overwhelming, my spamfilter is not keeping up (only catches 50% or less) the rest of my inbox still gets more spam than interresting mails. besides, written communication is so unpersonal anyways. therefore i have decided to stop using email, irc and any other form of written communication. the future is in using our voice. in the sTeam project ( we already found that switching to chat while working in a group on a document is cubersome and started to implement audio chat. i will follow suit now with my personal communication as well: what this means for you: if you want to reach me, you need to call me on my new phone. my phone address can be found in any respectable phone directory. alternatively you may try to contact me using tools like gnomemeeting, or send me voicemail. that is you may send me email with an audio file attached (preferably in ogg format) (for this reason my email address will continue to function, only that now everything that does not consist of an audio (or video) attachment will be classified as spam. replies to such mails will likewise be as audio attachments. this is my last typed message. (an audio version of this message will be provided on request (don't wan't to spam the list with it)) greetings, martin. -- looking for a job doing pike programming, sTeam/caudium/pike/roxen training, sTeam/caudium/roxen and/or unix system administration anywhere in the world. -- pike programmer travelling and working in europe unix system- iaeste.(|or).at administrator (stuts|black.linux-m68k).org Martin Bähr
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] giving up on email
- From: Niels Kobschaetzki
- Re: [tlug] giving up on email
- From: A. Sajjad Zaidi
- Re: [tlug] giving up on email
- From: Viktor Pavlenko
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