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Re: [tlug] Managing Windows [was: KDE 3.2 in SId, but...]

On Mon, 08 Mar 2004 10:40:32 +0900
"Semi Malinen" <> wrote:

> Personally, I start foaming at mouth every time I am forced to use the
> Windows UI. Why must I click with the mouse to focus? It's like being
> forced to blink your eyes before they focus. Why must the focused window
> be the top window? Why is there no easy way to tell the top window to
> lower itself?
Because it would make the life of M$ and other programmers for the
platform much harder. This way there would be a lot more cases to consider
which would mean windows would crash on every second mouse click...
Not to mention: "You have resized an unfocused window. Please click ok to
reboot windows for the effects to take change."

> And to introduce a more Linux related subject: Can anyone recommend a
> window manager that knows how to keep a window's position in the stack
> of windows when moving or resizing it?
Sawfish can do it too (might need some config, don't remember, but google
will tell you.), that's why I use it instead of the default metacity.

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