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Re: [tlug] How revolutionary is M2?

On Sun, Feb 29, 2004 at 10:10:40AM +0100, Godwin Stewart wrote:

>Which version of Sylpheed?

Don't recall; whatever version is in Debian Sid.  It was actually
Sylpheed, not Claws, but the hairball reference doesn't fit without the 
cat image :-)

The specific behavior it displayed was to go into a catatonic state and
stay there.  After about 30 minutes I killed it.  During this 30 
minutes, the Sylpheed window had lost all features and just sat there
as an outline filled with gray and white.

Looked like a complete choke more than a simple lack of speed.  I
didn't pursue it further, just apt-get remove --purge sylpheed and
went on my way.

>Some marriages are made in heaven, but they all have
>to be maintained on earth...

I like that one.

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