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Re: [tlug] Redhat

James Cluff wrote:

> So Ulrich are you running Open Zaurus?  I have thought about switching
> over but I don't want to break anything.  I don't have the confidence
> with my zaurus like I do with my standard computer that I can clear
> the water again and make everything work right after I start mucking
> things up.

Nah, I'm not. Too scared meself. :) Actually, OZ for the model I have
(C700) hasn't been around long enough for me to make a decision whether
I want to try it or not (I'm what the French call velleitaire to a
frightening degree). Mucking things up wouldn't have any dramatic
effects, though, you can always flash the original ROM back in place.
Sharp provides images for that on their developer website.

> Is it possible to run it on a standard computer for testing or
> development does anyone know?  I googled for it once but found
> nothing.

There must be ways to emulate an ARM environment like the Zauri run on,
but I've never looked into that. The universally accepted routine of
going about this is cross-compiling on a desktop and trying it out on
the poor handheld victim, I believe...

Ulrich Plate

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