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Re: [tlug] Redhat

James Cluff wrote:

> I guess the best distribution would be well not a distribution at all
> but to roll your own for your own specific needs, with only what was
> required for the specific use, has anyone done that?  I know some
> distributions like i think secure linux focus on only the absolute
> necisarry things.  And the linux on my Zaurus is missing most bash
> commands like locate, and SSH - I have a hard time without still, but
> can add them.

Linux-PDAs, inlcuding the Zaurus, use busybox instead of a full set of
UNIX utilities. The functions are somewhat limited, check for currently included
features. SSH is most easily installed if you use the package referenced

As to "roll your own distro": Limiting your installation to the bare
minimum is very easy with Gentoo, in fact, that's exactly what you're
left with after the standard installation. Doing this for the Zaurus may
be more complicated, especially since the ARM lead developer has
recently jumped ship and is paddling towards new horizons, but I'm sure
this can be done. Don't really see the point, though, OpenZaurus is
already ported to the newer Japanese Zauri (excluding the A300, the OZ
chap simply doesn't have one available for testing).

Ulrich Plate

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