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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: Debian vs. Red Hat (was Re: [tlug] Mandrake vs. Red Hat)
- Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 19:03:13 -0600
- From: Matt Gushee <>
- Subject: Re: Debian vs. Red Hat (was Re: [tlug] Mandrake vs. Red Hat)
- References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
- User-agent: Mutt/1.3.27i
On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 09:42:42AM +0900, Shimpei Yamashita wrote: > With Debian, stable releases are *old*. Potato is ancient, woody isn't even You say that like it's a bad thing. I would argue that it's good: Regardless of what distro they use, developers/power users/miscellaneous-people-who-know-what-they're-doing can generally figure out how to install whatever they need, with or without the help of the package system. Debian's conservative approach means that most of the software is thoroughly tested, so you're more likely to get an out-of-the-box system where *everything works*--which is what people who lack the skills to go beyond what the distro offers generally want. And if you're a little more sophisticated and want something brand new, I find Debian makes it easier to do so within the package system. Whereas if you're a newbie and you get a brand-spanking-new Redhat system, and something you need to use is broken, what do you do? Downgrade an RPM package? Good luck with that. Case in point, sort of: last time I used a RedHat box, that distro (probably RH 7.1) came with an *alpha* version of ViM. Well, there are plenty of programs where I'm willing, even eager, to try out alpha versions, but Vim isn't one of them. I'm not a Vim developer, I'm a developer who uses Vim, and it damn well better work. IMHO it is irresponsible to put alpha software in a product that you are offering for sale as a production release. QA should be done by people who volunteer to do it or who are paid to do it, not by unsuspecting customers. Besides, RedHat by no means has the latest versions of everything. I think they're *still* shipping Python 1.5.2, which to most Python developers is a bloated, maggot-ridden corpse. Hope nobody was about to eat a meal ;-) -- Matt Gushee Englewood, Colorado, USA
- References:
- [tlug] MySQL vs Oracle
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- Re: [tlug] MySQL vs Oracle
- From: Matt Doughty
- Re: [tlug] MySQL vs Oracle
- From: Matt Doughty
- Re: [tlug] MySQL vs Oracle
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- Re: [tlug] MySQL vs Oracle
- From: Matt Doughty
- [tlug] Mandrake vs. Red Hat
- From: Charles Muller
- Re: [tlug] Mandrake vs. Red Hat
- From: Jonathan Byrne
- Re: [tlug] Mandrake vs. Red Hat
- From: Matt Doughty
- Re: [tlug] Mandrake vs. Red Hat
- From: Jonathan Byrne
- Debian vs. Red Hat (was Re: [tlug] Mandrake vs. Red Hat)
- From: Shimpei Yamashita
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