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Re: [tlug] CLI admin how-to ideas?

Thanks, Scott.  Some of these are what I had in mind (IP address,
xinetd configuration) and some are close (mutt - a real mailer :-)

In an initial effort, I would be inclined to steer away from
stuff like setting up Pine (and other software) because this is
more end-user stuff than admin stuff (mutt excepted, because the only
way to configure mutt is by editing .muttrc, and it seems to be mostly
used be sysadmins and serious users).

Of course, anyone is free to work on anything they would like, if they
care to get involved in this (possible) project.

I'm envisioning short, basic cheat sheets of 1 - 3 pages that explain
"just the facts" in a clear, concise way, aimed at an audience with
no prior experience.  So I guess we should start with a vi cheat
sheet :-)


Scott Robbins ( wrote:

> I downloaded a tar.gz (or bz2, or Z, etc) how do I install it.
> How do I compile a C or C++ program
> Related  I compiled a C program and everything is showing up as a.out
> How do I set or chech my IP Address
> How do I set up pine
> How do I set up mutt
> I just installed a program, how do I start it
> How do I find my kernel version (and how do I recompile a kernel)
> I want to edit my inetd.conf in RH 7.x and can't find it.
> I try to do a shutdown (or adduser, etc) and get command not found (they did
> an su and don't realize that the path doesn't change)

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