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Re: OT Rant Re: ADSL again

On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 10:30:19PM +0900, Jonathan Q wrote:
> kei furuuchi ( wrote:
> > Again I am not happy with how business works, if it is in the US, 
> > it is clearly violation of antitrust law. 
> > But I am on ntt bandwagon.
> This doesn't appear to make sense.  Basically you're saying,
> "This stinks.  It would be illegal in the U.S.  But it's not
> illegal here, so I support it."  Cough.

I didn't say I support it. I was merely stating the situation
called error of synthesis, or prisonner's dilemma, or tragedy of
Can you convince her any other choice?

> Yes, a large part of Tokyo Metallic's problems stem from the
> fact that NTT dragged its feet until it was able to deploy
> a DSL network of its own.   Which makes it pretty hard to
> think anything but ill of NTT.  
> Don't you have the least bit of
> a problem with that sort of Microsoft-esque way of doing
> business?  Apparently not, or maybe you do - a tiny bit -
> but saving 1300 yen a month is more important.  I don't know
> about you, but I don't like doing business with companies 
> whom I believe are unethical and sticking up both consumers
> and competitors, and I take my business elsewhere.

Apparently people here tend to opt for eaccess I think that
is because applying for flets is as easy as dialing 116 provided
people are fluent in japanese. Even applying in web is difficult
if you don't read Japanese. There is no english application page. 
While eaccess has it in english.

I don't know which you are refering to as unethical, me or ntt.
But either way it doesn't make sense.
I am just end user of isp, not isp myself. Ethecal question
arises when people could be put into conflict of interest situation.
People who could bomb other country while he was on federal grand jury
or impeachment session. Then ethecal question arises. Of course
I am just end user.  
While you are obviously working for isp. You are probably more
knowledgeable than I am. 
And you didn't answer my second quesion: relation between eaccess and ntt.
Is eaccess competing with ntt or just franchising from ntt?
Eaccess also could lower the price to match ntt price. as business, they
could opt for that. Why don't they. Or they could be not for profit 
organization and ask for donation for the price. 

GOL is isp who also provides service for flets/ISDN included in their option
class. Can you live with that? 

> I don't care if NTT is cheaper, it's NTT.  Imagine if 
> Microsoft started selling Windows 2000 for less than 
> a boxed set of <insert your favorite Linux or BSD distro
> here> and that furthermore that Linux or BSD distro was
> no longer available by free download in binary form
> (which they don't have to do under the GPL; they have to
> make the source available (at least) to anyone who has a binary;
> they don't have to make binaries available to anyone at all. 
> That's a freebie we get, but they don't have to do it).  Now,
> all of a sudden Windows 2000 is actually cheaper than Microsoft,
> in this scenario.
> Would you switch to Windows just because it became cheaper?
> Oh, wait.   I suppose you would have to for the sake of consistency.

My favorite distribution is Debian.  I can download distribution. 
I never bought shrinkwrap distribution regarding Linux.
So I may switch to Windows as long as I can download them and their

I have been to LinuxWorld and attended Bruce Perens session. 
He said how he made debian linux distribution for his cpu architecture
while he was turned down by redhat being asked for more than ten times as
its debian cost.
Even among Linux distributions, there are temperature difference.
I think line should be drawn between .com and .org, not Linux and Windows.

Argument like Windows distribution could be cheaper than some Linux 
distribution is meaningless if you change point of view.
How could Windows be cheaper then free?


> Jonathan
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