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ADSL again


I have been reading through the lists and have become every increasingly
confused about how to get ADSL in Tokyo.

I was under the impression that an ISP such as Tokyo Metallic would be
able to deal with NTT so such an extent that they just hand over a router
and say "go play".

However from what is being said on the list ot sounds like I need to rent
an ADSL modem from NTT and pay and ISP?

If this is so, what are the best ISPs to use?, I dont mind about dynamic
IPs, however I do need a router style of connection rather than a USB
modem (due to the type of accomodation that I am currently staying in).

I was going to go with Tokyo Metallic as they seem about the cheapest and
I have heard they provide a good service.

Thanks in advance,


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