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Java in ja_JP environment

Hi, I have a problem of not being able to run Java in Japanese

Ok, first of all, I installed my computer with RedHat 7.1 with
English as default language. However, I put an option of 
adding Japanese as secondary language (so later I can 
switch them, if I want to).

Then I installed Blackdown Java SDK since Sun's SDK doesn't
run on RH 7.1 because of incompatibility in clib (?).

Anyways, Java has been doing great. I had no problem in 
compiling or running.

Then, yesterday I decided to use JP environment because
I needed to type some stuff in Japanese. So I changed the
.bash_profile by adding LANG=ja_JP.eucJP

Now... for some reasons, I can't run any Java command.
The PATH is correct (cuz I've using that). And what' s even
funny is that it won't run even when I type the absolute path
at the terminal.  e.g. /usr/java/j2sdk1.3.0/bin/java -versrion

It just doesn't give any response...  no prompt, no nothing.

Does anybody have any idea why it's behaving like this?
I've changed many settings inside bash profile, and I am
sure that it's because of LANG setting. But I just can't
figure out why.


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